1996 Centennial Olympics Ocoee Whitewater Center & Goforth CreekTrail (Evan & Diane Peck) October 21, 2019

Day two with EVAN & DIANE PECK was an absolutely wonderful and activity packed day. After a wonderful breakfast with CRAIG & DAISY TIPPIE, prior to their trip to North Carolina, Diane & Evan and Anna & I left to HIKE IN THE MOUNTAINS one hour south of their home. We first hiked the beautiful GOFORTH CREEK TRAIL, nestled in the APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS, and sporting some unique and gorgeous rock formations in and along the river’s edge. We had a fabulous time talking and catching up during the entire hike. We then visited and took a short hike at the nearby 1996 CENTENNIAL OLYMPICS OCOEE WHITEWATER CENTER, located in the CHEROKEE NATIONAL FOREST. The site for the 1996 Olympic kayaking competition was on the OCOEE RIVER, the only natural river to ever host a summer Olympic kayaking event up to that time. What a great day with amazing, loving friends!!!!